Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

The Importance of English in This Global Era

The Importance of English in This Global Era
Good Morning
The honorable Miss Dini my English Lecture
And Dear of My friends
Firstly, let’s thank to Allah the master of universe who has been giving us mercies and blessing until we can take a part and also smile on this lesson without any troubles and obstacles in this happy and peaceful place
Secondly, I’ll never forget to say thanks to MC who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of audiences.
Standing in front of you all, I’d like to present my speech under the title
The Importance of English in This Global Era”.
Do you know why we must study English? By using Indonesian language we can communicate with others. Why must we be tired to learn English that the language is difficult to be learned and complicated, the writing and pronunciation is different? Furthermore, English is not a language that the angel uses to ask us in the day later.
Ok. I will give you a little explanation about this. Now we are living in globalization era. It is an era in which we can communicate with everyone around the world that has a different tribe, culture and language. To do this, we need a communication tool that we can use to communicate with everyone around the world. That is English.
Then, why must be English, not Arabic, Dutch, or Japanese? Ok, this is the story. Many years ago, European underwent a successful era, that was renesaisance. They wandered the world to look for a new area. Then, they occupied it. They did not only occupied it but also spread their religion and language. England was the most active country to do this in that era.
England people controlled most of area in north America that now is American country and Canada. England also occupied some area in Asia, Australia, and Africa. From here, English spreads and becomes international communication language.
Now, what will occur if we can not master English? We will be left by the era, and we will be conservative, do you know conservative in Indonesia is Ngakgaul
In addition, most of equipment uses English as media to give instruction, such as computer, mobile phone, and television. If we don’t know about English, we will not be able to understand the instruction in the equipment. We will appear as a stupid person.
For that reason, we need to learn English in order to be left by the era and to reach better future. We need to study hard to get success in learning English. It is because English is not easy, but not difficult if we want to strive.
Those all my speech for this time and those all what I can deliver to you. I hope you understand well
Well ladies and gentlemen, I think my speech in front of you is enough. I beg your pardon if there are many faults when I deliver my speech that is not good as your hope. Thanks for your attention,and see you next time