Selasa, 09 Mei 2017

Hai guys, welcome again to my blog
On this day at 09.25 A.M. I would like to share about my activities while visiting EXPO Education in a very cool Untan Auditorium. Ok please check the pictures below:
First I visited the booth from the Library that showcased various of books contained in the library.

Second I visited the booth from Fkip Untan which showcased various books and learning media that use to need. 

Third, I visited the Stan of the Faculty of Law which showcased Judge Clothes and books relating to the Law. 

Fourth, I visited Menwa's booth they showing off the kind of clothes that they use, photo and various awards achieved.

Fifth, I visited a booth from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences that showcased various Herbarium and Insectium, Small Robot, Dives, Snorkels, and they have an electric games awarded 10,000 pulses for all operators if you win. 

Sixth, I visited the statistics department booth that showcased studio photos at a cost of Rp. 5000, - for 5x photos.

Seventh I visited the booth of the Forestry Faculty which also exhibited herbarium and insectium,and Dayak musical instrument.

Eighth, I visited a booth from MAPALA that showcased the various equipment used when they were

The last is a special booth that is Amcor that showcases various books from abroad. Amcor also has a game, andfor anyone who post photos on Instagram by marking Amcor Untan will get the prize. For example I managed to get a pen from Amcor Untan.

Then UPT Bahasa Untan which showcased books related to TOEFL and various kinds of foreign language books such as Britain, Korea, Japan and others.

  The situation of educational Expo at 09.25 A.M

My Souvenir 
Alright guys, that all about Education Expo from TanjungPura University
thanks for see my post, see you

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